by Matt Pedersen | Jun 8, 2022 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 11, Number 4, RAINBOWFISHES, on sale June 8th. On the cover: Top: Melanotaenia cf. goldiei ‘Lobo Village’, middle left: M. sp. ‘Kali Tawa’, middle right: M. mairasi. Photos: Wim Heemskerk. Bottom: M. sp. ‘Malanda’. Photo: Keith Martin The...
by AMAZONAS Magazine | Nov 17, 2017 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
Imagine discovering a new variety of fish, possibly a new species, exclusively found in an out-of-the-way stretch of river. It’s gorgeous and a precious reminder of the immense biodiveristy exhibited by Australia’s popular Rainbowfishes. It enters the...