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Volume 1, Number 1

4     Welcome to Amazonas
by Hans-Georg Evers
6     Aquatic Notebook
edited by Hans-Georg Evers

22     Cover Story:
Breeding Loricariid Catfishes
by Hans-Georg Evers
32     Breeding attempts with L 25

by Christoph Girardet
38    First Breeding of the Cactus Catfish, L 97

by Udo Wanninger

44     Breeding Panaqolus
sp. L 201 by Farid Laid
50     Aquatic Travel:
Serrania de la Macarena
by Oliver Lucanus

56     Aquarium Gardening:
Growing stemmed plants by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand
62     Husbandry & Breeding:
3 Easy Labidochromis from Lake Malawi by Jens Hamann
68     Aquatic Travel:
Brackish-water life in Sumatra by Hans-Georg Evers
76     Field Guide:
The Grazing Nerites by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand


90     Fish Room: The underground world of Carsten Goll by Hans-Georg Evers
96     Husbandry & Breeding:
The Splash Tetra (Copella arnoldi)
by Cornelia Hinz & Claus Fischer
100     Calendar:
Upcoming Events by Mary Sweeney
102     Hands-on:
Hatching Tips by Hans-Georg Evers
104     New Species Snapshots
108     Society Connections
112     Parting Shot:
by Eric Isselée

BUY the January/February 2012 Back Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine