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Click cover to order this back issue for your AMAZONAS collection.

Volume 3, Number 1

4 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6 Aquatic Notebook

20 Viviparous Halfbeaks of the Family Zenarchopteridae by Jan Huylebrouck
30 The Halfbeaks of Sulawesi by Hans-Georg Evers
48 Hemirhamphodon kuekenthali, the Magnificent Sarawak Halfbeak by Ronny Kubenz and Rainer Hoyer
54 Aquatic Plants: A Planted Paradise in 18 Gallons by Sumer Tiwari
62 Husbandry & Breeding: Breeding the Tiger Ray, Potamotrygon tigrina by Jennifer O. Reynolds
72 Husbandry & Breeding: “Cichlasomaornatum or “Cichlasoma gephyrum? by Thomas Weidner
78 Aquatic Travel: A trip on the Rio Negro by Juan Miguel Artigas Azas

88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Matt Pedersen and Ray Lucas
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Morrell Devlin

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