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Volume 3, Number 3


4    Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6    Aquatic Notebook

20    The Joys of Breeding by Hans-Georg Evers
28    Breeding Fishes: Just follow a recipe? by Stefan Inselmann
32    Nanofish Husbandry: Hemigrammocharax uniocellatus by Hans-Georg Evers
36    Breeding for Lazy People: Danionella translucida in a continuous setup by Hans-Georg Evers
40    Good Food, Fast Current, and Lots of Patience: Successfully propagating a Brochis species by Hans-Georg Evers
48    Betta stigmosa: a charming mouthbrooder by Richard Brode
52    Melanochromis: first immigrants from Lake Malawi by Jens Hamann
56    Reportage: Chaos in black and white by Haakon Haagensen
70    Aquatic Plants: Alive in technicolor Don Boyer’s 200-gallon planted riparium by Devin Biggs
80    Aquatic Plants: LEDs for Planted Aquariums, part two by Kris Weinhold

88    Aquarium Calendar – Upcoming events by Matt Pedersen and Ray Lucas
90    Retail Sources
92    Species Snapshots
97    Advertiser Index
98    Underwater Eye by Morrell Devlin

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