The cover for the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, featuring Fancy Shrimps, Desktop Planted Tanks, Dynamic Danios, and Charismatic Rainbowfish

The cover for the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, featuring Fancy Shrimps, Desktop Planted Tanks, Dynamic Danios, and Charismatic Rainbowfish

Does your local retailer keep AMAZONAS Magazine under wraps (in the poly sleeve)? Have you only seen our Digital Edition? Well, now you can virtually thumb through the newest print edition, the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, in this hard copy preview, a quick pictorial review of our timeless print magazine.

Want to read this edition on your computer? Current subscribers can log into the Digital Edition now! Have an iPhone or Android device? You can also read the Digital Edition in our apps. Of course, many subscribers will agree that nothing replaces the rich, sumptuous printed pages that come with a full print + digital subscription, so why not subscribe today? If you can’t find AMAZONAS Magazine through one of our many local aquarium shop retailers or your local Barnes & Noble bookstore, and want to purchase a single copy of this issue, you can do so on our shopping website!

Crack open the latest printed edition of AMAZONAS Magazine!

The Table of Contents for the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.

The Table of Contents for the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.

AMAZONAS Magazine Editor-In-Chief Hans-Georg Evers introduces the issue.

AMAZONAS Magazine Editor-In-Chief Hans-Georg Evers introduces the issue.

Rahcel O'Leary talks her way into the California dreate fishhouse of passionate African Cichlid experts Pam and Gary Chin, in her article "Cichlid Power".

Rachel O’Leary talks her way into the California dream fishhouse of passionate African Cichlid experts Pam and Gary Chin, in her article “Cichlid Power”.

A new name for the stunning Parrot Apistogramma!

A new name for the stunning Parrot Apistogramma!

Uwe Neumann and Friedrich Bitter discuss Brave New Shrimps; from wild types to fancy forms, kicking off our cover story features!

Uwe Neumann and Friedrich Bitter discuss Brave New Shrimps; from wild types to fancy forms, kicking off this issue’s cover story features!

Friedrich Bitter examines Crossing Experiments, unlocking the genetic secrets of dwarf shrimps.

Friedrich Bitter examines Crossing Experiments, unlocking the genetic secrets of dwarf shrimps.

Rachel O'Leary introduces us to emerging parasites, and their possible treatments, in "Parasites in Freshwater Shrimps".

Rachel O’Leary introduces us to emerging parasites, and their possible treatments, in “Parasites in Freshwater Shrimps”.

Like what you’re seeing? Remember, all current subscribers can log into the AMAZONAS digital edition or our apps to read this issue now. Print subscribers are receiving their copies soon, and local retailers should have this edition on sale now!

"Charmed by Chilantherina", by Michael Wagner, introduces readers to an over overlooked genus of rainbowfishes.

“Charmed by Chilantherina”, by Michael Wagner, introduces readers to his favorite genus of rainbowfishes.

"Size Matters" says George Farmer, who show us that small can be beautiful via his desktop planted aquarium.

“Size Matters” says George Farmer, who shows us that small can be beautiful via his desktop planted aquarium.

Hans-Georg Evers isn't shy; he's bragging about the collection and subsequent breeding of Otocinclus arnoldi!

Hans-Georg Evers isn’t shy; he’s telling all about the collection and subsequent breeding of Otocinclus arnoldi!

Paul V. Loiselle, Ph.D., showcases Dynamic Danios; Old friends—and a wave of new species!

Paul V. Loiselle, Ph.D., showcases Dynamic Danios; Old friends—and a wave of new species!

Take a tour of Daniel Heerz's 200 gallon Lake Malawi biotope aquarium.

Take a tour of Daniel Heerz’s 200-gallon Lake Malawi biotope aquarium.

All you ever wanted to know about The Enigmatic Glassfishes, as reported by Tan Heok Hui.

All you ever wanted to know about The Enigmatic Glassfishes, as reported by Tan Heok Hui.

A red alga you actually want in your aquarium? Sebastion Prati introduces us to Caloglossa cf. beccarii.

A red alga you actually want in your aquarium? Sebastion Prati introduces us to Caloglossa cf. beccarii.

The latest AMAZONAS Magazine Aquarium Calendar. Have an aquarium event? Send Janine Banks an email to make sure we know about it!

The latest AMAZONAS Magazine Aquarium Calendar. Have an aquarium event? Send Janine Banks an email to make sure we know about it!

Looking for a single-issue copy of our printed magazine? Try one of the many excellent local aquarium shops who carry AMAZONAS.

Looking for a single-issue copy of our printed magazine? Try one of the many excellent local aquarium shops who carry AMAZONAS.

Our Species Snapshots in this issue include Vanmanenia hainanensis, Nematabramis borneensis, Apistogramma agassizii "Fire Gold", Laimosemion mahdiaensis, Anubias barteri "White", and Schistura spiloptera. Learn more about them in the July/August 2015 edition of AMAZONAS Magazine.

Our Species Snapshots in this issue include Vanmanenia hainanensis, Nematabramis borneensis, Apistogramma agassizii “Fire Gold”, Laimosemion mahdiaensis, Anubias barteri “White”, and Schistura spiloptera. Learn more about them in the July/August 2015 edition of AMAZONAS Magazine.

As with every issue, Morrell "Mo" Devlin presents a pictorial wrap up in our Underwater Eye. Learn more about the Midas Cichlid in this installment.

As with every issue, Morrell “Mo” Devlin presents a pictorial wrap up in our Underwater Eye. Learn more about the Midas Cichlid in this installment.

We invite you to read this issue to understand why one AMAZONAS Magazine editor says, “Anyone can publish anything online. We invest in only the best because we’re putting it in print!”

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