The correct caption and photograph credits appear in the digital edition of AMAAZONAS Magazine.

The correct caption and photograph credits appear in the digital edition of AMAAZONAS Magazine.

We regret an oversight in the print version of the September/October 2016 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. On page 5, the table of contents, at lower left, the print version includes the caption and photographer credits, which erroneously reads, “COVER: Phenacogrammus aurantiacus, Lamp Eye Congo Tetras by Hans-Georg Evers.” This caption was from the prior issue’s cover.

The correct caption and credits, which appear in the digital edition, are, “COVER: Oryzias latipes, Japanese Medaka by F. Mori.”.

You can see more images of these incredible orange strains of Japanese Medaka, and many other variants, in The Best & Brightest Japanse: Medaka, by Fumitoshi Mori and Friedrich Bitter, starting on page 26 of this issue.