Wild Guppies in the Mail: cover of AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2, ENDLER’S LIVEBEARERS! On the cover: “Red Scarlet” Endlers: Poecilia
wingei x P. reticulata hybrids. Images by Hans-Georg Evers.
The March/April 2017 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now on its way to print magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores.
On sale February 7th, 2017.
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The Table of Contents: a first look at the comprehensive Endler coverage and diverse content throughout the issue. Read the TOC online here.

“[Endler’s Livebearer] has become a big deal in the aquarium world in the last few years, even competing with its larger, highly bred cousin, the fancy Guppy…AMAZONAS author Claus Osche…keeps in close contact with Endler enthusiasts around the world, and in a series of candid interviews they offer a good look into the aquarium life of this fish. I am very happy that Claus agreed to work on this issue, and I think you’ll find it a really special one.” -AMAZONAS Editor-in-chief, Hans-Georg Evers, introducing the new issue.

Aquatic Notebook starts off with a historical perspective from author Nico Röhrs, “Remembering the first imports of Betta splendens.”

Aquatic Notebook roams the world, here featuring a Rio Xingu update from Andreas Tanke reporting “Bad news from Brazil.”

Be ready to be wowed by some of the gaudiest little fishes you’ve ever seen, as authors Claus Osche and Katja Tyka introduce you to “ENDLER’S LIVEBEARER—From wild forms to hybrids.”

Meet Michael Kempkes of Bocholt, Germany, one of the most distinguished livebearer experts in the world and one of the describers of Poecilia wingei. He is the author of the two-volume monograph The Guppies, published in 2010—reason enough for AMAZONAS writer Claus Osche to interview him for this issue.

Anyone searching the Internet for premium Endlers and their variants will inevitably land on the websites of breeders Jef Pedro and Paul Eijkhout, as well as the Endler forum EndlersRus.eu and their group on Facebook. Claus Osche talked to Pedro and Eijkhout in Amsterdam and returned with insights from these prolific European breeders, shared in the interview “Endless Endlers.”

AMAZONAS Senior Editor Mike Tuccinardi takes readers on a tour of Sri Lankan and Vietnamese Guppy farms, which provide the vast majority of mass-produced fancy Guppies and Endlers to the world’s aquarium shops. Look for “Beyond the Flash & Fins” in the current issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.

In what has become an annual tradition, AMAZONAS showcases the winning aquascapes from the Aquatic Gardeners Association’s annual Aquascaping Content. The 2016 pictorial is introduced by the AGA Contest Chair, Bailin Shaw.

When Johannes Graf received an invitation from the Australia New Guinea Fishes Association (ANGFA) to speak at their meeting, he took the opportunity to get out into the wild streams of Australia, collecting rainbowfishes with the goal of introducing many new species to the aquarium hobby.

Breeding the Hairy Pufferfish (Pao baileyi) is a remarkable feat, and author Dr. Ralf Britz returns with fresh insights that at times contradict his initial observations from a few years ago.

Sergey Anikshteyn introduces readers to the Captivating Callochromis: The lovable sand cichlids of Lake Tanganyika.

Think locally-bred fishes can’t compete with inexpensive imports? Hans-Georg Evers’s visit with NK Tropical Fish, as shared in “LOCALLY BRED: A new movement toward quality fishes,” offers proof that it can be done, and done amazingly well.

Find out what’s happening and where in the aquarium world. Have an event coming up? Send Janine Banks an email to make sure it gets posted online and in print.

AMAZONAS Magazine’s must-read Species Snapshots keeps an eye on the newest and most interesting freshwater fish coming into the aquarium trade. In this issue: Lizard Tetras (Iguanodectes spp.), the Eyespot Rasbora (Brevibora cheeya), the Pygmy Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia pygmaea), the Fasin Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fasinensis), Regan’s Mouthbrooder (Chromidotilapia regani), and the Gabon Dwarf Mouthbrooder (Chromidotilapia nana).
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