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MEXICO – Depths of Diversity

Volume 9, Number 5

5     Letter From The Editor by Ann Whitman
6     Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff


10     Welcome Home! Reintroducing Zoogoneticus tequila, the tequila splitfin by Arely Ramírez-García, Gerardo García, Michael Köck, John Lyons, and Omar Domínguez-Domínguez
20     Vacationing with the freshwater fishes of Mexico’s Pacific Coast by John Lyons
30     Biodiversity hotspot — the Lacantún River in southeastern Mexico by Norman Mercado-Silva, Nestor Rosales Quintero, and Carlos Ramírez Martínez
38     Husbandry and Breeding — Elegance in red —Thorichthys maculipinnisby Uwe Werner Wolf
46     Reportage — On the Mexican border: Trekking into the desert for pupfishes by Roman Burkardt
54     Interview — A visit with crayfish breeder Markus Güsgen by Ute Dederer and Friedrich Bitter
62     Husbandry and Breeding — Newly described—the tiger limia, Limia islai by Paul V. Loiselle
68     Husbandry and Breeding — Taking a shine to shiners—Pteronotropis species from the southeastern USA by Friedrich Bitter
74     Husbandry and Breeding — On the move: the glowlight danio, Danio choprae by Ute Dederer
78     Notes From The Field — Going back to Peru for tetras by Hans-Georg Evers


88     Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks
90     Retail Sources
92     Species Snapshots
97     Advertiser Index
98     Underwater Eye

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