5 Letter From the Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Viewpoint
• Bans galore! by Stephan M. Tanner, Ph.D.
• Considering conservation from a new perspective by Frank Schäfer
16 Aquatic Notebook
• Weird Waters® now streaming on Peacock by 9 Story™ Distribution
• Digitizing old fish slides by Don Danko
20 Conservation breeding projects of the ÖVVÖ compilation by the Austrian Association for Vivaristics and Ecology
28 Conservation in the aquarium hobby: concepts and goals by Wolfgang Staeck
36 Snakeheads and conservation — A contradiction in terms? by Dominik Niemeier
46 Captive Maintenance and Conservation of Fishes compiled and augmented by Kathrin Glaw
54 Husbandry and Breeding: Conservation breeding of the catfish Scleromystax prionotos by Roman Lechner
58 Reportage — Hiking for gobies: A vertical search for Hawaii’s native fishes by Alex Rose
68 Reportage — New fishes from the Río Amaya in Peru by Oliver Lucanus
76 DIY Corner — A curved lava rock wall for your Hamburg Mattenfilter by Patrick Doyle
80 Notes From The Field: Something old, something new — White Cloud Mountain minnows by Hans-Georg Evers
86 Keeping The Cast: Steady from Weird Waters® by Courtney Tobler
88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye