Home away from home for two weeks!

Home away from home for two weeks!

via Project Piaba

Join the expedition to the Rio Negro River in Brazil and observe all aspects of the home aquarium fishery, January 20-February 2, 2018.

The trip includes:

  • 2 weeks on a well-appointed live-aboard boat
  • Visits to biological hotspots
  • Visits to fishing communities
  • Participation in the Ornamental Fish Festival of Barcelos
  • Visits to home aquarium fish export facilities
  • A visit to the world-famous Manaus Opera House
Experience the Rio Negro aquarium trade firsthand.

Experience the Rio Negro aquarium trade firsthand.

Contact us for more information and to reserve your spot for the next Expedition!

(781) 626-3138

Download the 2018 Expedition Flyer & Rio Negro Aquarium Fishery Update for more information and highlights from the region.

Explore the Rio Negro in this unique opportunity with the Project Piaba team.

Explore the Rio Negro with this unique opportunity from the Project Piaba team.