AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 8, Number 6, Exploring Pelvicachromis, on sale October 8th, 2019! On the cover: Top: Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Njanje', female. Middle: P. drachenfelsi, female. Bottom: M/F pair of P. kribensis 'Bandewouri' with young. Photo credits: M. Keijman and U. werner.

AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 8, Number 6, Exploring Pelvicachromis, on sale October 8th, 2019! On the cover: Top: Pelvicachromis kribensis ‘Njanje’, female. Middle: P. drachenfelsi, female. Bottom: M/F pair of P. kribensis ‘Bandewouri’ with young. Photo credits: M. Keijman and U. Werner.

The November/December 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops and better bookstores!

For our 6th issue of 2019, we turn to the genus Pelvicachromis, home of the ever-popular “Kribensis”. With taxonomic revisions still flustering veteran aquarists and a wealth of beautiful species and local varieties to choose from, these somewhat mild-mannered fishes (for a cichlid) deserve a little time in the spotlight. Travel with us to western African, and specifically Cameroon, to learn why these fishes deserve some tank space in your home.

Beyond our cover feature, you’ll be privy to the first fully documented report of breeding the palpitation-inducing Blue-Eyed Pleco (Panaque cochliodon). Well take you on a marathon fish swap road trip through Germany in our Fishroom Tour, introduce you to the Volcano Bitterling (Sinorhodeus microlepis), breed the Fahaka Puffer (Tetraodon lineatus), search central Brazil for rare Aspidoras catfish and so much more.

Readers of the Digital Edition can access this issue starting October 17th, 2019: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION

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If you just can’t wait to see what’s showing up in the mail, or your favorite retailer keeps all the AMAZONAS in their protective poly sleeves, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue—a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

The Table of Contents for the November/December 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!

The Table of Contents for the November/December 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!


"Sometimes," muses Exec. Editor Ann Whitman, "fish keeping seems like a drudge when so many other activities and commitments compete for our time and attention...when I need to feel appreciated and inspired, the fish greet me enthusiastically at the glass and, once again, I remember why we do this." Find more inspiration in Ann's Letter from the Editor.

“Sometimes,” muses Exec. Editor Ann Whitman, “fish keeping seems like a drudge when so many other activities and commitments compete for our time and attention…when I need to feel appreciated and inspired, the fish greet me enthusiastically at the glass and, once again, I remember why we do this.” Find more inspiration in Ann’s Letter from the Editor.


Rusty Wessel and Morrell Devlin bring a report from the American Livebearer Association's 2019 Convention. Learn what goes into hosting a national event like this, and why you should consider attending the 2020 convention!

Rusty Wessel and Morrell Devlin bring a report from the American Livebearer Association’s 2019 Convention. Learn what goes into hosting a national event like this, and why you should consider attending the 2020 convention!


Tell Me a Story. Rosario LaCorte's memoirs spans the heyday decades of the tropical fish hobby and his collecting adventures in South America.

Tell Me a Story. Rosario LaCorte’s memoirs span the heyday decades of the tropical fish hobby and his collecting adventures in South America.


Wasting no pages, we jump into our feature content with Michel Keijman and Uwe Werner's overview of the 2014 revision to the genus Pelvicachromis, paying special attention to Pelvicachromis drachenfelsi and P. pulcher (the fish we all know to this day as the Krib or Kribensis).

Wasting no pages, we jump into our feature content with Michel Keijman and Uwe Werner’s overview of the 2014 revision to the genus Pelvicachromis, paying special attention to Pelvicachromis drachenfelsi and P. pulcher (the fish we all know to this day as the Krib or Kribensis).


Exploring the many rivers and tributaries of Cameroon in search of Pelvicachromis kribensis lead Michael Keijman & Uwe Werner to treasure troves of local variants, some well-known in the hobby and some rarely seen.

Exploring the many rivers and tributaries of Cameroon in search of Pelvicachromis kribensis leads Michael Keijman & Uwe Werner to treasure troves of local variants, some well-known in the hobby and some rarely seen.


Breeding Pelvicachromis from Cameroon: their requirements for maintenance and breeding are quite feasible, even for beginners hoping to find success.

Breeding Pelvicachromis from Cameroon: their requirements for maintenance and breeding are quite feasible, even for beginners hoping to find success.


Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the code has been cracked. Learn how, in "Cracking the Breeding Code: Success with the Blue-Eyed Pleco (Panaque cochliodon)", from authors Hans-Georg Evers & Jeffrey Christian.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the code has been cracked. Learn how, in “Cracking the Breeding Code: Success with the Blue-Eyed Pleco (Panaque cochliodon)”, from authors Hans-Georg Evers and Jeffrey Christian.


Hans-Georg Evers and Jeffrey Christian share the secrets of breeding the Fahaka Puffer (Tetraodon lineatus).

Hans-Georg Evers and Jeffrey Christian share the secrets of breeding the Fahaka Puffer (Tetraodon lineatus).


Known for its pugnacious nature, Trichromis salvini (the Salvini Cichlid) is nevertheless among the most colorful of the Central American cichlids. Author Rusty Wessel's favorite variant, from the Subin River in Guatemala, is even more colorful than most...

Known for its pugnacious nature, Trichromis salvini (the Salvini Cichlid) is nevertheless among the most colorful of the Central American cichlids. Author Rusty Wessel’s favorite variant, from the Subin River in Guatemala, is even more colorful than most…


A number of North American killifishes are beautiful and easy to breed as aquarium fish. Friedrich Bitter introduces you to many ideal species, with images by Isacc Szabo and others.

A number of North American killifishes are beautiful and easy to breed as aquarium fish. Friedrich Bitter introduces you to many ideal species, with images by Isacc Szabo and others.


Sebastian Wolf shares his preliminary experiences with the newly described volcano bitterling (Sinorhodeus microlepis) from the Yangtze River in China, which shows real promise as an aquarium fish.

Sebastian Wolf shares his preliminary experiences with the newly described volcano bitterling (Sinorhodeus microlepis) from the Yangtze River in China, which shows real promise as an aquarium fish.


The Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa, has captivated European aquarists for over 100 years now. Learn more about this tiny livebearer in the latest Century Species installment by Ute Dederer and images from Friedrich Bitter.

The Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa, has captivated European aquarists for over 100 years now. Learn more about this tiny livebearer in the latest Century Species installment by Ute Dederer and images from Friedrich Bitter.


Come along for the ride with Michael Pilack: preparing for a long-distance road trip through Germany to exchange big cichlids and visit friend's fishrooms sometimes takes unexpected detours.

Come along for the ride with Michael Pilack: preparing for a long-distance road trip through Germany to exchange big cichlids and visit friends’ fishrooms sometimes takes unexpected detours.


Author Hans-Georg Evers remarked that, "The chance to collect and photograph rare Aspirdoras sp. and discover exiting new fish species for scientific research made this adventure through central Brazil a trip of a lifetime." Immerse yourself in our Notes From the Field...

Author Hans-Georg Evers remarked that, “The chance to collect and photograph rare Aspirdoras sp. and discover exciting new fish species for scientific research made this adventure through central Brazil a trip of a lifetime.” Immerse yourself in our Notes From the Field…


Make sure you don't miss out on an exciting aquarium-related event in your state and make sure your events get seen! Reach out to to learn more. View our events calendar online, anytime!

Make sure you don’t miss out on an exciting aquarium-related event in your state and make sure your events get seen! Reach out to to learn more. View our events calendar online, anytime!


Look for AMAZONAS Magazine in outstanding local aquarium shops throughout the U.S. and around the globe! You can find these retailers in our online sources guide anytime! Want your shop listed? Email to find out how!

Look for AMAZONAS Magazine in outstanding local aquarium shops throughout the U.S. and around the globe! You can find these retailers in our online sources guide anytime! Want your shop listed? Email to find out how!


AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you the closer to exciting new imports and rekindle passions for varieties that sometimes fall out of favor. In this issue, we share in-depth looks at Neolebias cf. trewavasae, Apistogramma agassizii 'Tefe', Tilapia cf. sparrmani and T. sp. 'Mweru'. This exclusive content is found nowhere else but the pages of AMAZONAS Magazine!

AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you closer to exciting new imports and rekindle passions for varieties that sometimes fall out of favor. In this issue, we share in-depth looks at Neolebias cf. trewavasae, Apistogramma agassizii ‘Tefe’, Tilapia cf. sparrmani and T. sp. ‘Mweru’. This exclusive content is found nowhere else but the pages of AMAZONAS Magazine!


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