AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 9, Number 1, Spectacular South America, on sale December 4th, 2019! On the cover: Left: Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon paepkei) and center: Corydoras luxozonus by F. Bitter. Right: Cichlasoma orinocense, by Rainer Stawikowski. Bottom: River near Iquitos, Peru by Ernst Sosna.
The January/February 2020 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops and better bookstores!
For the first issue of a new decade, and starting our 9th year in English publication, we turn our attention to the content where AMAZONAS originally derived its name—SPECTACULAR SOUTH AMERICA. A diverse range of feature topics includes a dive into the history of the genus Cichlasoma, the first breeding of the rare doradid catfish Wertheimeria maculata, successful breeding of Scobiancistrus sp. Lo82, and learning about several new Corydoras species in the hobby. Journey to Iquitos will continue on into Part 2 of our quest for rare Aspidoras catfishes in northeastern Brazil.
As always, we branch out beyond our cover feature, offering something for every aquatic taste. Everything from the Cardinal Guppy and the Cherry Spot Dario, to fresh looks at Wallaceochromis and Enigmatochromis cichlids from western Africa. Get an inside look at aquarium company sera GmbH in Germany, and experience the winners of the 2019 International Biotope Aquarium Competition. There’s even more in our Aquatic Notebook and Species Snapshots, just waiting to be discovered when you dive into the issue.
Readers of the Digital Edition can access this issue starting December 11th, 2019: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION
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If you just can’t wait to see what’s showing up in the mail, or your favorite retailer keeps all the AMAZONAS in their protective poly sleeves, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue—a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

The Table of Contents for the January/February 2020 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!

In an era where everyone with an Internet connection can be an ‘expert’, “At AMAZONAS, one of your key goals and responsibilities as a publisher is to present accurate, up-to-date information, and we take that charge seriously,” writes Executive Editor Ann Whitman.

The Hobbyist Role in Fish Conservation, by Deputy Executive Editor Courtney Tobler, is an important lead into this issue’s Aquatic Notebook. Also in this section: How zebra danio personalities influence their breeding success, and further discussion about breeding the Blue-Eyed Pleco, Panaque cochliodon, which we first reported in the November/December 2019 issue.

Visit your favorite fishes in their native waters? For many of us, this will remain a dream, but it may be easier to attain than you think. Join Ernst Sosna on an expedition launched from Iquitos, Peru.

Corydoras lovers rejoice: Ingo Seidel introduces several new mailed catfishes for the aquarium hobby!

Almost incredible: successful breeding of the rare doradid catfish Wertheimeria maculata, as reported by Hans-Georg Evers and accomplished by the team at Piscicultura Tanganyika in Aquiraz, Brazil.

Successful breeding of L082, the Opal Spot Scobiancistrus, by Ansgar Bußkamp, highlights the challenges of breeding a species when previous spawning and rearing reports are rare or non-existent.

Good for the nano tank? Torsten Kortum believes the Cherry Spot Dario (Dario kajal) is a great candidate for small tank culture!

Supplying fresh, top-quality food and aquarium, terrarium, and pond products has always been at the heart and soul of the German company sera GmbH. Learn how the company faces the future with confidence despite challenges from a changing world.

Wallaceochromis & Enigmatochromis—they too were once Pelvicachromis. Anton Lamboj offers a closer examination of the less-common dwarf cichlids from West Africa.

Slice of Life 2019: competition judge and AMAZONAS Sr. Editor Michael J. Tuccinardi presents and discusses the winners of the recent International Biotope Aquarium Competition.

The Cardinal Tetra is rather familiar, but have you seen the lookalike Cardinal Guppy? Friedrich Bitter discusses two distinct new guppy strains with convergent appearances.

Note From The Field continues with Part 2 of Hans-Georg Evers’s journey through northeast Brazil on a quest to discover new and rare Aspidoras catfishes.

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Look for AMAZONAS Magazine in outstanding local aquarium shops throughout the U.S. and around the globe! You can find these retailers in our online sources guide anytime! Want your shop listed? Email janine.banks@aquaticmediapress.com to find out how!

AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you closer to exciting new imports and rekindle passions for varieties that sometimes fall out of favor. In this issue, we share in-depth looks at Parananochromis ornatus, Betta cf. compuncta ‘Candy’, and Nannocharax altus. This exclusive content is found nowhere else but the pages of AMAZONAS Magazine!
Already a subscriber? ACCESS this issue online starting December 11th, 2019!
All AMAZONAS subscribers can log in with their email address and password and read the web-based Digital Edition.