AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 11, Number 2, GOODEIDS OF NORTH AMERICA, on sale February 15th. On the cover: Allotoca maculata, Chapalichthys encaustus, Chapalichthys pardalis, Skiffia multipunctata, Characodon audax (top to bottom). Photos: Wolfgang Gessl
The March/April 2022 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and on its way to the homes of magazine subscribers and racks of the best local aquarium shops around the world!
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If you just can’t wait to see what’s showing up in the mail, or your favorite retailer keeps all the AMAZONAS in their protective poly sleeves, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue—a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.
The Table of Contents for the March/April 2022 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online! We open with a letter from the Editor, where Courtney Tobler explains the relationships between the springfishes, poolfishes, and splitfins that make up the family Goodeidae, and how aquarists can play important roles in the much-needed conservation efforts of these imperiled species.
Aquatic Notebook: a collection of short articles covering happenings in the world of freshwater aquariums, fishes, conservation, and science. In this issue: The newly described cory species, Corydoras fulleri, formerly C115/C116, another newly described species of tetra, Moenkhausia cambacica, and the passing of Andy Schmidt.
Our first cover story is Splitfins—extraordinary jewels from Mexico. Author Michael Köck presents a deep dive into the life history of Mexican highland toothcarps including an alphabetized overview of the entire splitfin genera. It’s a huge amount of useful information all in one place.The next cover story, ENIGMA—fishes in the desert, by Shawn Goodchild, focuses on some of the fascinating and highly endemic desert fishes of the American southwest. These imperiled fishes living in the Great Basin of the Mojave Desert face innumerable survival challenges, but conservation-minded aquarists can help save and protect these species.This issue features a great interview with Michael Köck, the founder of the Goodeid Working Group, where we learn all about the endangered lives of most of these species, as well as the critical importance of conservation breeding to the preservation of splitfins.Arely Ramírez-García and Omar Domínguez-Domínguez report on their inspirational ongoing efforts to return the golden skiffia, Skiffia francesae, to its native waters of the Teuchitlan River in Mexico. The reintroduction of this species is a complex process that has been approached from a multidisciplinary view, and it’s all covered in this article.Anja Katzschmann and Norman Behr share a first-hand account of a fish-collecting trip focused on exploring the lowlands of the Rio Pachitea drainage in Peru.Andreas Spreinat offers a pretty humorous but informative account of his quest to build the perfect fly trap to catch fresh food for his predatory Congo tetras.Bailin Shaw introduces a feast for the eyes as we showcase the results of the 2021 Aquatic Gardeners Association (AGA) International Aquascaping Contest, open to hobbyists worldwide. The fishes and shrimps that get to live in these aquariums have truly hit the jackpot.Wolfgang Staek has penned a detailed profile of the Moga or Nicaragua cichlid, a brightly colored and distinctly patterned Central American fish, that is fairly uncommon in the hobby as a result of its large size and a corresponding need for a lot of aquarium space.Our issue brings another installment of Keeping the Cast from the cartoon series Weird Waters where we’ll get introduced to Poofer, one of the villains of the show modeled after the green lantern platy, Xiphophorus maculatus.The AMAZONAS Events Calendar once again has ACTUAL EVENTS to share! Event organizers, as you start to “reopen” your clubs and swaps, be sure to notify Janine Banks ( so we can return to normal and start sharing these gathering opportunities once more! View our events calendar online, anytime, for the most up-to-date information we have available, but remember, given the ongoing impact of the COVID pandemic, check with any event organizer directly to learn the status of their event.We close out each issue with Species Snapshots, a look at rare and unusual fishes showing up in the aquarium trade and hobbyist circles. In this issue, readers will enjoy three species reviews: Champotón mosquitofish (Carlhubbsia kidderi), a livebearer from Mexico, and two tetras from South America; Hyphessobrycon cf. epicharis from the lower Rio Negro, and Hyphessobrycon sp. ‘inferno’ from the eastern slope of the Serra do Cachimbo in Brazil.