by Matt Pedersen | Sep 18, 2013 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
There is, of course, the undeniable truth of being a fish addict: If you can find a way to add more fish, you’ll do it. And I found a way. When you have no room for glass, go with plastic. Shoeboxes. Preferably ones that can easily fit on top of your existing...
by Matt Pedersen | May 2, 2013 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
Betta ocellata, de Beaufort 1933 Earlier this year I became acquainted with a really unique anabantoid species, Betta ocellata. This is one of the “big boy” mouthbrooding betta species. I had purchased some juveniles on a whim, and simply let them hang...